Adopt or Adapt these Tools for Teaching about
Notable American People and Events
These resources are intended to support the 1st grade Oklahoma Academic Standard:
1.3 The student will examine important events and historical figures in the nation’s past.
Click the images below to access the resources.
This is not an all-inclusive list. Additional resources will be added as we learn together.
The resources are listed by topic, event, or time period.
1.3 The student will examine important events and historical figures in the nation’s past.
Click the images below to access the resources.
This is not an all-inclusive list. Additional resources will be added as we learn together.
The resources are listed by topic, event, or time period.
Leaders in Medicine
Additional notable Americans resources are linked on our 2nd grade American Activists page.
These links are to external sites, please contact us if you discover a problem with any of the links.