Books have amazing power to open student's eyes and take them back in time!
Teachers who surround their students with books relating to the current unit
inspire curiosity and provide opportunities for informal research.
Please remember to check with your public and school libraries
as you prepare for each social studies unit.
Teachers who surround their students with books relating to the current unit
inspire curiosity and provide opportunities for informal research.
Please remember to check with your public and school libraries
as you prepare for each social studies unit.
The resources described below are available for check-out by Putnam City teachers.
Complete this request form if you would like to reserve an item.

A class set of Voices of the Revolution (25 books)
This book is recommended for
5th grade Unit 3- The American Revolution
Titles included in the book:
Bunker's Cove by David Neufeld
Reading Level 3.2
This account describes how Jack Bunker helped the Patriots fight the British during the American Revolution, and reveals how Bunker's Cove got its name.
The Drummer Boy by Philemon Sturges
Reading Level 3.2
Eliza and John Potter are Patriots living on a farm in Rhode Island in 1776 when war is on the horizon. They befriend a boy who is a drummer for the British army.
Deborah Sampson: Soldier of the Revolution by Lee S. Justice
Reading Level 3.4
Learn how Deborah Sampson, a determined young woman who lived during the time of the American Revolution, was able to have a life of adventure and liberty.

A class set of One Land, Many Trails (25 books)
This book is recommended for 4th grade
specific units listed with the titles.
Titles included in the book:
Shell Flower by Rhonda Rodriguez
Reading Level 3.5
This book is recommended for 4th grade Unit 2- Explorers Interactions with Native Americans.
Shell-Flower is frightened of white people after hearing stories of the terrible things they have done to other Paiute people. She learns that they can be friendly after a white woman helps her when she has a bad case of poison oak.
Journey to a Free Town by Delores Lowe Friedman
Reading Level 3.5
This book coordinates with 4th grade Unit 3- Settling the Midwest.
After Jake finds he will never be treated fairly in Tennessee, he decides to move his family to Kansas to start a free town with other former slaves.
Zachary's Ride by Chenille Evans
Reading Level 3.5
This book coordinates with 4th grade Unit 4- Settling the Southwest.
Eleven-year-old Zack hastily agrees to complete Joe's Pony Express run, and later realizes that he didn't take the time to think through his decision. After enduring thirst, hunger, loneliness, and a sudden hailstorm Zack is offered a job after he delivers the mail.
America: A Dream by Stanford Makishi
Reading Level 3.6
This book coordinates with 4th grade Unit 4- Settling the West.
Jiro Akamine arrived in San Francisco with sixty cents in his pocket and a desire to get an education and a good job. As an old man, Jiro reflects back and finds that some of his dreams have come true.